Awards and Contests that Grade 11 Students
Can Apply for (and sometimes grade 10's)
January 12 Early Bird Award or June 7 for Regular Awards
Enriched Academy Award for Grade 10, 11 and 12 Students
Dec 15 Applications Close
Verna J Kirkness Foundation
This program is for an expense paid week studying at an Alberta University and is for First Nations, Metis and Inuit students
U of L Grade 11 Merit Award
Before June of your Grade 11 Year
You don't have to wait until you are in Grade 12 to start planning for university, especially if your plans include the University of Lethbridge! Our Grade 11 Merit Award is given to students who fill out our online form by June 30 in their Grade 11 year. It is a simple process — no essay or letters of recommendation necessary. Awards will be given to the highest achieving Grade 11 students.
Click the Logo for information on applying
Click the Logo for information on applying
Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarship for Grade 11 Students
Dec 1 of Grade 11 - Application Opens
150 Awards worth $5000 each
Marks, Financial Need and Pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree are all requirements
Marks, Financial Need and Pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree are all requirements